Friday, June 27, 2008

first post

We are a small kennel located in Faro, Yukon. We have a few mutts and alaskans, but are putting together a team of siberians, for mid and long distance racing.
We are in a great area to run and train dogs. There are hundreds of miles of trail, and most never see other people. Thanks to the cost of gas and so many trying to keep up with the Jones skidooing is not so popular here any more, leaving the trails safer for us. We have great views, lots of hunting and fishing. We can go from the river valley to the big mountains and very our training so much here it is our haven. We have a few teams to run with for training and company, which is great.
We are starting with a few great adults for breeding and trying to add a bunch of pups to our kennel, so we can have simular ages and I love to train our pups so they are suited to me and my expectations of a dog team.
I am very greatfull to Deena Wannamaker for Viva and Glinda and to Moe and Jere for Garter, and Bob for our latest additions, Jarvi,Qween, Spit and Buddah. I am sure we have a great bunch to start our kennel with and cant wait to see the snow hit us (ok give me 2 months, of wood, fishing and hunting and leader training then I will be ready).
more later.....

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